Voices Of Freedom & Liberty Get A New Home

Welcome to RobertBeadles.org - the website that gives you, the people, an independent political voice. Following Robert's withdrawal from the CD-11 campaign in California, we received a lot of requests for help in getting the voice of the people heard. So, we're turning this site over to you, the citizen journalist.

Just click the button above to join and speak your mind on any subject on the political radar... political candidates & representatives, policy, rights and liberties, the United States Constitution & Bill Of Rights, family values, healthcare, corruption, banking, government accountability, military... whatever you wish.

We ask that all citizen journalists agree to our terms and refrain from using profanity or hate speech. This site is moderated and each view or opinion expressed here is that of the author and not of this website's owner or staff. Personal responsibility is one of the principals on which our great country was founded, and so it is with this website. The bullhorn is yours - have your say now.

It’s time!

I can almost hear Bruce Buffer with his very unique and distinct voice starting his war cry with those two famous words, “it’s time!” Or even his brother Michael with his “let’s get ready to rumble” cry.

Well in fact,  yes it is, in less than 24 hours we will witness what America thinks about our elected officials and officials to be. In some cases the election will be over, in others it just opens the door for the November general election.

Regardless it’s our responsibility and duty as free men and women to exercise one of our most sacred rights. I mailed mine in a while back and feel confident in my choices. What about you? Have you mailed yours in or will you hit the polls tomorrow? You will vote won’t you? Because remember, we all get the government we deserve. If you stand off to the sidelines and do nothing that’s what you better expect in return.

If you vote for bigger government and more taxes, guess what? You might just get it. Be careful what you vote for. Things that say less government less taxes may actually be just the opposite we need to do our due diligence. And I mean quickly!

Remember there are three types of people in this world: those that stand by and watch things happen, those who make things happen and those who wonder what the hell just happened! By voting for the wrong person or worse yet, not voting at all, you might very well be the person wondering what just happened. I know you are all intelligent people that would never think of not voting. Our families have fought too hard for our Country to simply stand by and not take interest in keeping or saving her. So go vote! 🙂

Grab your family and friends tomorrow and help out your candidate or candidates of choice get elected. Help make calls, go door to door, get people to the polls. Do what you can. Don’t know which candidate to back? Well David Harmer for Congress is the best choice for District 11. That would be a good place to start and finish. He has so many devoted volunteers including myself as we know he is the right man for the job. He has been constantly attacked by some of the other candidates and their people yet his support keeps growing and I mean big time! Tomorrow, I believe it will show at the polls.

I ask you again, remember to vote and support your candidate. If you are wondering about the 11th Congressional District or are supporting someone other than David I truly wish you to consider David Harmer. He stands for what we believe and he won’t change once he gets there. Don’t throw your vote away, vote David Harmer for Congress. http://www.harmerforcongress.com/

This site has been getting thousands and tens of thousands of views. It might just be the campaign staffs of various candidates seeing what I and others are saying 🙂 ? Or it might be some of the 35,000 people in district 11 on my personal email lists I have been sending this too 🙂 Regardless, people are watching, people are listening. I just hope you all do more than that and get out and vote for the various candidates and don’t forget…………. David Harmer for Congress

GOD bless you and yours and GOD bless America!

This site was designed for you. Yes you! Feel free to write whatever you like, you may use this as your soap box. But please keep it clean, polite and tasteful, no hate speech or related. This site is designed to give you the ability to voice our most sacred amendment, the first.

6 Days Away!

The election is but 6 days away! As the date closes in you can almost touch, smell and taste the anticipation and excitement in the air. We the voters will decide our representatives. We the voters will  tell ole Uncle Sam what we think. We must choose our candidates not so much on their words but their actions.

We need to carefully choose our candidates so we don’t end up right back where we are now. Take for instance David Harmer, whom I support, he has stayed true this whole time to his values and principals,  and he hasn’t attacked the other candidates even though he has been viciously attacked by some of them. He knows removing McNerney is the goal, not hurting his fellow Republicans.

What I would like to see is an awakening. I would like to see the voters realize that when we get tired or angry with  Republicans we vote in Democrats when we get tired or angry with Democrats we vote in Republicans. I say this has to stop. Their has to be an individual accountability. Our elected officials must be held to their promises regardless of party.

If they lie or break their promises, we hold them individually accountable and vote them out. We need our Representatives at every level looking out for our best interests. Our Representatives need to remember they work for us, not us for them, they are not better than us for there would be no them without us.

In closing all I can say is please choose carefully. Your vote does count and we are all counting on you to exercise your right that so many other people in so many other places are denied the liberty to do so. Get out there and support your candidates and remember……………

Vote David Harmer for Congress   🙂


This site was designed for you. Yes you! Feel free to write whatever you like, you may use this as your soap box. But please keep it clean, polite and tasteful, no hate speech or related. This site is designed to give you the ability to voice our most sacred amendment, the first.

FDA Attacks Walnut Company… Says Walnuts Are Unapproved Drugs

According to the FDA, walnuts are unapproved drugs because they have been scientifically proven to lower high cholesterol. So the FDA has unleashed a threatening attack against a large walnut company to scare them into removing all scientific research about walnuts from their website and marketing materials.

The FDA, you may already realize, is waging a campaign of censorship, disinformation and consumer ignorance to try to destroy all knowledge of the scientifically-proven health benefits of healing foods and nutritional supplements.

Today we bring you a must-read story about how the FDA is trying to destroy knowledge much like the burning of the Library of Alexandria in the year 48 B.C.

read the full story: http://www.naturalnews.com/028879_censorship_healing_foods.html

United States Is Slipping Away

by Gordon Duff… Millions of illegal aliens, thousands members of dangerous drug gangs, have taken over city after city, state after state.  Do you really think our government couldn’t have closed the border in days?  The illegals are here for a purpose.  They killed trade unions, suppressed the minimum wage, worked as slaves for corporate agriculture, filled our prisons and courts, all of this and more was part of a plan.  Follow the money. [read more]

Your Vote Counts

Your Vote Counts:

Let us all take a moment and carefully examine our ballots, if you have it. Some of you may have opted to vote by mail like I have making it more convenient for ourselves. It can be a hassle to have to drive to the designated areas to vote when we are so busy with our daily lives.

It’s nice to be able to fill it out in the comfort of our own homes or offices and simply throw it to the mail box when we are done and tell the Man our choices. If you have not opted to vote by mail, no problem. I am going to give you the CA District 11 choices, I encourage you to research every Candidate, Proposition and Measure. The world is at our finger tips with the Internet. We can find websites that help us with our choices or phone numbers to groups that can help us decide as well.

Lets get started!      ( Remember this is for CA CD 11 although most will still apply )

And I excluded any candidate that has no challenger, simply write in a name or bubble in next to theirs.


Robert C. Newman II

David Tully-Smith

Meg Whitman

Steve Poizner

Bill Chambers

Ken Miller

Douglas R. Hughes

Lawrence “Larry” Naritelli


LT Governor:

Sam Aanestad

Yvonne R. Girard

Bert Davis

Abel Maldonado

Dave Harris

Scott L. Levitt


Sec of State:

Damon Dunn

Orly Taitz



David Evans

Tony Strickland


Attorney General:

Tom Harman

John Eastman

Steve Cooley


Insurance Commissioner:

Mike Villines

Brian Fitzgerald


Member, State Board Of Equalization, District 2:

Edward C. Streichman

Barbara Alby

George Runner

Alan Nakanishi


United States Senator:

Carly Fiorina

Al Ramirez

Chuch Devore

Tom Campbell

Tim Kalemkarian


United States Representative 11th District:

Brad Goehring

David Harmer-The only vote I will ask you for 🙂

Elizabeth Emken

Antonio C. “Tony” Amador


State Senator 14th District:

Tim J. Campi

Tom Marsella

Tom Berryhill

Heidi Fuller

Bret De St Jeor


Superintendent of Public Instruction:

 Daniel M Nusbaum

Tom Torlakson

Faarax Dahir Sheikh-Noor

Henry Williams Jr

Diane A Lenning

Larry Aceves

Gloria Romero

Lydia A Gutierrez

Alexia L Deligianni

Leonard James Martin

Grant Mcmicken

Karen Blake


Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator:

Robert “Bob” Moreno

Steve Moore


Props and Measures, yes or no vote:

Prop 13

Prop 14

Prop 15

Prop 16

Prop 17

Measure C

I truly hope this has been of help to some. Although I will not tell you how to vote I will simply ask you to vote for David Harmer for Congress. www.harmerforcongress.com

When it comes to Propositions and Measures: as I have always said, if it raises taxes on the citizens or fattens or grows our government we gotta vote no. We need to ask ourselves WWJD (what would Jefferson do) 🙂

Good luck, have fun with it, remember to do it, and by all means, please make informed decisions by doing your home work. Oh yeah, by the way its June 8th, 2010. Don’t miss it my friends, our Country needs us. This is one way we can voice our opinion and show them how we feel. Your vote counts, please use it properly.



This site was designed for you. Yes you! Feel free to write whatever you like, you may use this as your soap box. But please keep it clean, polite and tasteful, no hate speech or related. This site is designed to give you the ability to voice our most sacred amendment, the first.






Senator McConnell: US Government In Dire Condition

This is a must-see video. Props to Senator McConnell for standing up and saying what the people would say if they were in the halls of Government.

What Foul Wind This Way Blows? It’s Kagan

In case you’ve been living under a rock, your freedoms as provided for under the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights by your founding fathers as INALIENABLE (meaning nobody can take them away from you)… are about to be taken away.

The charming Elena Kagan, who seems to be the darling of the media and the Democrats of course, has some very sick views on what the United States should be in the 21st century.

Namely, she wants free speech banned, guns banned and thats just her getting warmed up. There’s no doubt in this writer’s mind, that she certainly aspires to ring the death knell of liberty. She’s Obama’s pick for the Supreme Court, despite not having judicial experience, and she’s the protege of Cass Sunstein who is our most excellent ‘information czar’ in the White House.

What does Cass want to do that’s so bad? Oh, censor the Internet is all. But hey, don’t criticize him… he only wants the political debate out here to be fair and balanced. He wants both sides of the argument to get equal airtime. What that really means is that this article also needs to tote the party line. So, let’s live in the future for a minute shall we?

Warning: The impartiality of this article has been questioned.
Cass Sunstein is a good man, a fair man and a man of the people. Sure, he isn’t elected by the people, but Obama picked him and since he is the President, he is the decider in chief II. He embraces liberty and freedom and individual rights and has your best interests in mind when he suggests the fairness doctrine be implemented on the last open source medium of free speech on the planet. You may hear his own words as he describes the wonderfully balanced world we’ll find ourselves in after regulation of the Internet in this audio. Note that this website is not considered fair or balanced by the White House. Please seek a more truthful viewpoint elsewhere such as our mainstream media outlets.