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Manteca Bulletin: Congressional hopeful: Rags to success story

By Jason Campbell
The Manteca Bulletin
January 3, 2010

LODI – Robert Beadles believes that he’s a man of the people.

beadles-family-picEven before he was a legal adult Beadles was forced to turn to government assistance to help raise the child he had with the woman that has now been his wife for 15 years. He did everything possible to get off federal relief as soon as possible and find a solid way to provide for his family.

And now that he has firmly established a construction company as well as several real estate companies that allow him to be financially independent, Beadles – who is vying for the 11th Congressional District seat currently occupied by incumbent Jerry McNerney – will never forget where he came from.

“Being poor and having to pay for groceries with food stamps and rent with welfare – it’s humbling and I wanted out of there so bad,” he said. “It was awful, I hated being in that position, and I wanted more for my family.

“I was grateful that I had a government that was there to lend a hand, but I wanted off of that as soon as possible.”

Keeping in the spirit of his humble beginnings, one of Beadles’ real estate companies develops properties for low-income families. It is something he says he does as a way to give back since there were people who helped him when he needed it the most.

In order to share his story with as many people as possible, Beadles penned the book “Here’s What You Do”. It has since sold thousands of copies. He has received just as many letters from people telling him that he helped them save everything from their home to their marriage.

It was one writer, in fact, that suggested he make the run for McNerney’s seat. He eventually talked it over with his wife and decided to go for it.

And go for it he did.

During a town hall meeting that McNerney had, Beadles lit into the two-term congressman – essentially calling him a liar that isn’t looking out for his constituents and is in fact hurting us instead of helping us. He got no response.

“I’m a business guy, not a politician. When you see what’s going on with all of the string pulling, it’s a sign that we really need good people that are going to get things back on the constitutional track.

“I don’t believe that they have us as their number one goal – they’re too busy playing to party interests and lobbyists.”

Beadles lives in Lodi with his wife Nicole and his two sons: Aaron, 14, and Kyle, 9.

Read article here.

Climate Change: 21st Century Trojan Horse

There are tremors being felt across the globe on the issue of climate. There are cracks forming in the field of science. There are political careers hanging in the balance. There is a whole industry holding its breath as we enter the eye of the storm, as Copenhagen has arrived and President Obama pushes on with an agenda that has been a long time in the works.

The green movement has been hijacked by private interests and now, at this 11th hour and 59th minute, it threatens the United States.

The Democrat Leadership Has Sunk To New Low

How can we allow for the Democrat leadership to compare those who question the feasibility of this health care bill and its costs with those who promoted slavery? It seems that the Democrat Party has sunk to a new low.

Harry Reid likens passing the healthcare bill to ending slaveryClick here to watch Harry Reid in action

When Dianne Feinstein and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger question how Californians will pay for this new health care, do they also favor slavery?

Where Will The State Get That Money? “If you put everybody on Medicaid at 133 percent of the federal poverty rate, the cost to the state is $2 billion,” Feinstein said. “Where does the state get that money when it’s got a $15 billion shortfall next year and probably for many years after that?” (Carolyn Lochead, “Feinstein Skeptical About Health Care Costs,” San Francisco Chronicle, 9/12/09)

California Senator Dianne Feinstein Questions Costs. “Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is playing a familiar role in this debate: the voice of reason. “I could not support a bill that pushes additional costs on California state government or its counties,” she said this week.” (Editorial, “Health Care Bill Has Huge Tab For State Taxpayers,” San Diego Union Tribune, 10/8/09)

California Governor Questions Costs. “ The Schwarzenegger administration estimates this would cost California a staggering $8 billion. This is an enormous problem. The plunge in revenue due to the deep recession has left the state utterly strapped for money. The 2009-10 budget approved in late July is easily the leanest in at least a decade. So where would this money come from? The most likely answer is from a hodgepodge of tax increases — higher sales, gasoline and income levies and more. In other words, from every Californian in every income bracket.” (Editorial, “Health Care Bill Has Huge Tab For State Taxpayers,” San Diego Union Tribune, 10/8/09)

You Owe, I Owe And Our Kids Will Owe

From The Washington Times (Terence P. Jeffery, “All Is Not Well”, 12/5/09):

“In March, the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, led by former U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, calculated the total value of the federal government’s “unfunded liabilities” as they stood at the end of fiscal 2008. These liabilities include the publicly held portion of the national debt plus the amount the government must pay to cover all the entitlement benefits it has promised to living Americans through Social Security, Medicare and other welfare-state programs minus the tax revenue the government can expect to collect to pay for these entitlements under existing tax law.

“The sum of these unfunded liabilities, the foundation discovered, stood at $56.4 trillion. That equals $435,000 for every full-time worker in the United States.”

“In 2008, President Bush’s last year in office, the federal government spent $2.983 trillion. Under Mr. Obama’s plan, according to the Congressional Budget Office, annual federal spending will climb to $4.982 trillion by 2019. In 2008, the federal deficit was a record $459 billion. Over the next decade, Mr. Obama’s plan would increase the national debt by a total of $7.137 trillion, running annual deficits averaging $713.7 billion per year.”

Without controlling spending, Obama and his Democrat colleagues are going to bankrupt this country.

$10 Billion A Year by 2012 – A Fair Share?

This past week the White House issued a statement on President Obama’s upcoming attendance at the International Climate Summit in Copenhagen:

“The United States will pay its fair share of that amount and other countries will make substantial commitments as well. Providing this assistance is not only a humanitarian imperative — it’s an investment in our common security, as no climate change accord can succeed if it does not help all countries reduce their emissions.”

So how much is that fair share amount? The White House statement noted, “There appears to an emerging consensus that a core element of the Copenhagen accord should be to mobilize $10 billion a year by 2012 to support adaptation and mitigation in developing countries.”

With the recent controversy surrounding allegations that climate scientists were manipulating and deleting data and with our ongoing unemployment problems, record deficits, and a recent troop surge, is contributing $10 billion a year the best use of our precious taxpayer dollars?

Our current University of California students are going to see their tuition increased by 32%; wouldn’t that money be better spent investing in our own students? Helping them find the next technology to make energy production cleaner, safer and more reliable.

With our current economic situation, how is spending $10 billion a year on an issue that is currently embroiled in international investigation, a good investment of taxpayer money?

Even a 4-Year Old Can Scam The Government

Last month, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration, J. Russell George recently noted that at least 19,000 “first-time home buyers” hadn’t purchased a home when they claimed the federal credit, another 74,000 filers weren’t first time buyers, and at least 500 people were under the age of 18, including a 4-year old.

According to the Wall Street Journal: “Speaking of the IRS, apparently its own staff couldn’t help but notice this opportunity to snag an easy $8,000. One day after explaining to Congress how many ‘home-buyers’ were climbing aboard this gravy train, Mr. George appeared on Neil Cavuto’s program on the Fox Business Network. Mr. George said his staff has found at least 53 cases of IRS employees filing “illegal or inappropriate” claims for the credit. ‘In all honesty this is an interim report. I expect that the number would be much larger than that number,’ he said.”

Would it be too much to ask that accountability and transparency measures be put in place before giving out our tax money?

The cost of this program is running at about $1 billion a month and $15 billion for the year.

Your tax dollars at work.

The Illegal Border Crossing Application

The Orange County Register has an article where a mobile phone application is being created to help border-crosser find nearby water, routes, and a series of poems to make them feel welcome along their way.  This application is also supposed to help them “safely navigate the treacherous desert crossing between Mexico and the United States.”

I guess they have an app for everything, even on how to break our immigration laws.

Read Article: http://www.ocregister.com/articles/border-220422-people-desert.html